Flourish Wellness Coaching

Ready to prioritize well-being, self-care and health? We’ve got you!

Flourish Wellness Coaching offers a comprehensive menu of wellness coaching and education services to help you create a habit of health and well-being in a simple, effective and sustainable way – for life! For more information on any of the following programs, schedule a free consultation!

Adult Programs

The Flourish Check Up – Like your annual physical, the Flourish Check Up is an annual appraisal of all aspects of your wellness. From physical to mental to social to occupational, we look at the whole YOU and provide immediate feedback and actionable steps to improve your health and reach your goals. The session is 90-minutes and includes a body composition scan, vitals screening, walk through of your assessment results and a coaching/goal setting session. You will walk away with a plan of action to jumpstart your wellness journey. Book it here!

The Focused and Flourishing Coaching Program – For the individual who not only wants a plan but they also need the support and accountability only a qualified coach can provide. This highly-focused and customized program starts with the Flourish Check Up and then provides weekly nutrition, fitness and lifestyle plans personalized to your goals and unique needs as well as a weekly 60-minute live session with an experienced and credentialed coach. Your coach is with you every week to ensure you have a plan that works with your lifestyle, career demands, family obligations, etc. and will provide the support, coaching and accountability you need to succeed. 3, 6 and 12 Month memberships available.

Foundations of Flourishing Individual and Small Group Health Coaching – Our Foundations of Flourishing health coaching service is perfect for a person or small group of friends, colleagues or neighbors who want address multiple areas of their health and wellness (stress management, sleep quality, nutrition, fitness and more!) and need some guidance and accountability. Each session will focus on client goals, progress tracking, habit building, and support. It is recommended that participants start with the Flourish Check Up to have a better understanding of their overall health and wellness so they can set a SMART Goal. Health Coaching sessions can be purchased in packages of 4 sessions.

Fit, Fed and Flourishing Individual and Small Group Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching – Fit, Fed and Flourishing is our Fitness and Food coaching program. It’s more like traditional personal training where you’ll have a coach who assesses your fitness level and reviews your food intake to prepare weekly workouts and nutrition plans to support your physical goals and activity level. Sessions can be purchased in packages of 4 sessions.

Programs for Professionals

Work, Life and Well-Being Integration Coaching – With an ever changing workplace (remote, hybrid, in-person) and increasing professional and personal demands on our time and energy, The Flourish Work, Life & Well-Being Integration program is a 12-week engagement focused on creating a better integration of career, personal life and wellness. Aimed at preventing physical and mental exhaustion, illness and injury, and eventual burnout, this program is perfect for any professional at any age or stage of their career. Especially effective for those who are in transition – new position, recently promoted, new people manager, relocating, etc. Personal and professional goals are set and all aspects of Flourishing are addressed and coached – stress mangement, sleep quality, hydration, nutrition and fitness as well as managing time and navigating the workplace. The Flourish Check Up is included in this package and the program is coached by Niki Campbell, a former executive and owner of The Flourish Group.

Foundations of Flourishing for Young Professionals – Our Foundations of Flourishing for Young Professionals is a 12-week program designed for the new college grad, recently promoted young professional or anyone who is early in their  career and needs to establish better work, life and well-being integration. We focus on all aspects of Flourishing (stress management, sleep quality, hydration, nutrition, fitness) while establishing healthy boundaries and a habit of self-care. Each session will focus on goals, coaching, resources and support. It is recommended that participant start with the Flourish Check Up to have a better understanding of their overall health and wellness. 

Youth and Student Athlete Programs

Foundations of Flourishing Youth Health Coaching – This 12-week program is designed for young people ages 12-17 who have an interest in eating healthier, finding exercise they enjoy, creating healthy boundaries, establishing healthy and sustainable habits and prioritizing self-care and a positive body image. This is not a weight loss program or personal training in the traditional sense. It’s designed to help young people find wellness that works for them without risking injury or creating disordered eating or exercise behaviors. It is NOT for a child or teen who has an eating disorder, body dysmorphia or orthorexia (an obsession with healthy and restrictive behaviors). However, we can provide referrals and resources for young adults who struggle with these conditions.

Flourish Rest, Recover, Restore Student Athlete Health Coaching – Your student athlete works hard in the gym, on the field or court, and in the classroom leaving little time for physical and mental recovery. This can lead to an increased risk of injury, mental and physical exhaustion and even burnout. The Flourish Rest, Recover, Restore program is meant to complement an athletic training regimen by focusing on what an athlete does when they aren’t competing. Our coaches help them build a habit of rest, recovery and restoration through sleep and stress management strategies, adequate hydration and nutrition, rest day physical activities and stretching, and more! A well-rested, properly fueled, less stressed out student athlete is a happy, healthy and successful student athlete! Individual sessions are available in packages of 4. 

School, Team and Young Adult Classes & Workshops

  • The Foundations of Flourishing for Young Adults
  • Fueling for the Field of Competition
  • Rest and Recovery for Optimal Performance
  • Stress Management Strategies for Young People
  • SMART Goal Setting for Success
  • Creating Healthy Habits for Life
  • Healthy Meals at Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurants
  • Setting Healthy Boundaries and Practicing Self-Care 
  • How to Rise Above and Avoid Toxic Diet Culture and Body Shame

Community Group/Club Classes & Workshops

  • The Foundations of Flourishing
  • Managing Stress and Building Resiliency
  • Lifestyle Habits for a Healthy Heart
  • Finding Time for Fitness: Quick Workouts for Busy People
  • Meal Prep and Planning Made Easy
  • Dining Out Smarter and Healthier
  • Mastering your Metabolism
  • Deciphering Diets for Weight Management
  • Setting and Achieving your Wellness Goals
  • Habit Hacking: How to Establish and Sustain Healthy Habits
  • Active Aging – Healthy Living Strategies for all Ages
  • Boosting Immunity with Wellness Practices
  • Getting Started with Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Eating Healthy CAN Taste Good (Chef Demonstration)
  • Supercharge Your Sleep, Rest, and Recovery 
  • Movement for Physical and Mental Health


Are You Ready to Flourish?


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